Adders Monday 11th May 2020

Date: 7th May 2020 @ 4:01pm

Good morning, Adders.  I hope you enjoyed your long weekend and managed to enjoy the beautiful sunshine celebrating VE Day as best that you could considering the current climate.  I will aim to speak to all Year 6s this week as well as Josh and Livvy.  You should have received your next two weeks of learning that I have put together for you.


The theme for this week is Families which enables you to gain a better understanding of your own family.  All the learning for this week is outlined on the overview sheet in your printed pack and all the relevant reading, maths, spelling/grammar and topic activity sheets have been put together in your first plastic wallet. 

Your parents should have received an email on Friday about the Collective Worship ‘Worship at Home: Joy’ activities.  Please make sure that you are choosing an activity to complete as often as you can.  You can download the activities on this blog.

This is the learning that I would like you to complete today:

  • Arithmetic Test 21 OR 15 minutes TT Rockstars.
  • Reading – Y5 + ED/FD/IF: ‘Jin Dragonborne’ and Y6: ‘Alan Turing’ Reading Comprehension in your printed pack.  Please answer in full sentences.  You have the answers in your pack.
  • Spellings – spend 20 minutes on Spelling Shed on different assignments.
  • Maths – Y5: Over the next five days you need to complete the following consolidation units from your printed pack.  I don’t mind in which order you complete these:
  1. Geometry – Properties of Shape
  2. Geometry – Position and Direction
  3. Measures – Converting Units
  4. Measures – Volume
  5. Statistics
  • Maths – Y6: Over the next five days you need to complete the following algebra activities from your printed pack.  It is best that you stick to this order and make sure you have completed the Varied Fluency for each topic.  The Reasoning and Problem Solving activities are to extend and consolidate your learning and are optional:
  1. Find a Rule – Two Step
  2. Use an Algebraic Rule
  3. Substitution
  4. Formulae
  5. Two-Step Equations
  6. Pairs of Values
  7. Enumerate Possibilities
  • Maths – ED/LW/FD/IF/JL: Classroom Secrets sheets – Geometry: Properties of Shapes ‘Identify Angles’ Varied Fluency and Reasoning + Problem Solving. 
  • History/Music – Music from the Past:  Research music from the decade your parents, grandparents or other older family members were born. What were the most popular bands or singers during this time? Produce a poster about the music of the time.  You could also perform a song from this decade and create your very own dance routine. Explain how you need to improve your performance in order to achieve your personal best.
  • Physical Exercise – any activity that is going to give you 60 minutes of exercise.

There is a new discussion when you log on to the website that you can upload any photos of your learning and ask any questions that you have.  Alternatively, please email me directly on the address you have in your printed pack. 

Y6, I have included an Algebra Knowledge Organiser in your printed pack just in case you are finding the maths a bit of a challenge.

Enjoy your day Adders!

Files to Download

Bentley School's Christian Ethos

"Know that I am with you always," Matthew 28:20 We encourage the spiritual, social, moral and cultural development of the school family by embedding Christian values into everyday life. Our vision is for all children to be confident individuals, successful learners and responsible citizens who are well equipped for future life, knowing that God is with them always.