Bentley Weekly News 08/07/16

Bentley Weekly Update 08/07/16


Summer Fete - Thank you to everyone who came along to support the PTA summer fete. We were very lucky with the weather with just a couple of showers towards the end of the proceedings. The children performed the Zumba dance they had been practicing at school to open the event and thoroughly enjoyed getting involved with lots of activities including tug of war and hay bale rolling. Thanks to the support of our families and the community the PTA are pleased to announce that the fete made a total of £1582.79.  Thank you and well done to everyone involved!

 New Arrival – The children and staff alike are very excited about the newest member of the Bentley Primary School family; one of our chickens, Limpy, has successfully hatched a chick. As the Father is called Fluffy, the chick is currently being called Flump. Flump hatched on the Friday evening before the summer fete and appears to be doing well. Our sincere thanks to the Coopers who have lent us a run and house at very short notice for this unexpected arrival; the Coopers have a long history of connections with the school and their continued support is very much appreciated.

 Sports Day – Sports day 2016 was a resounding success! We didn’t get drenched and the events, new and old, proved very popular. We even had a record number of participants for the ladies and gentlemen’s races and the very cute toddler race. We are all so proud of the children in our school, every single one of them gave it their all in every event they took part in. The scores were the closest they have been for many years and congratulations go to the red team who just pipped the yellows to the post to become this year’s winners. Well done to everyone.

Grant received – We are very pleased to confirm that we have received a grant from Councillor Gordon Jones for Hi-Vis vests and reflectors for the pupils. Cllr Jones visited us a couple of months ago to have a look round at our wonderful little school and to talk about future plans. He was particularly interested in the local visits that we take part in and the school’s commitment to the environment. To help with our plans to introduce more walking to school weeks and hopefully a ‘walking bus’ he has kindly donated some money from his locality budget. We would like to thank Cllr Jones for his support.

Leavers – All of our Year 6 pupils have now had their induction days at the High School they are moving on to and preparations for our farewell to this fabulous foursome are well under way. As you are probably aware, the leavers’ service this year is scheduled for Tuesday 19th July at 9:00am at St Mary’s Church, Bentley. All our families are warmly invited to this service, which can quite often be very emotional as the children reflect on their time at Bentley. The leavers’ BBQ is planned for the same day from 6pm, again, everyone is welcome. The annual trip to Pleasurewood Hills for Years 5 and 6 is going to be next Wednesday, 13th July. Please see the letter for details and get your permission slip in asap if you haven’t already done so.

Parliament – The fine details of this exciting trip are being finalised now and Years 4, 5 and 6 are planning and looking forward to their London visit on the 20th July. Please remember, children attending this trip need to be at school by 7:00am that day, we are on an extremely tight schedule and will not be able to wait for any late-comers. Children will need plenty of food and drink as it will be a long day. Please make sure that if your child needs travel sickness medication, they are given this before they arrive at school and if they need medication for the return journey that it is placed in a named envelope and handed to either Mrs Windmill or Mrs Parnell.

Felixstowe – On the same day that the top end of the school will be travelling to Parliament, Years R, 1, 2 and 3 will be on a jolly to the beach! Children in these groups will be travelling to Felixstowe by coach and will need a packed lunch. We still have quite a few permission slips outstanding for this trip, if you need a duplicate of the letter that went home, please let the office know.

Bunnies – Next week is the final Bunnies session for the new children due to start in Reception in September. They joined us for lunch this week and already seem well and truly like part of the family. We look forward to welcoming them full time in the new school year.

Maths Bags and Library Books – We have had a massive response to the email about returning maths bags and library books, thank you. There are still a few of each outstanding so please do bring them in on Monday so we can start putting together maths bags for next year.

Dates for your diary:

Tuesday 12th July

Year 6 Computer Day at EBHS (need packed lunch)

Wednesday 13th July

Year 4 Science  Day at EBHS (need packed lunch)

Wednesday 13th July

Years 5 and 6 to Pleasurewood Hills (need packed lunch)

Friday 15th July

Last Bunnies session

Friday 15th July

School Council shop, after school

Tuesday 19th July

9:00am Leavers’ Service at St Mary’s Church

Tuesday 19th July

6:00pm Leavers’ BBQ

Wednesday 20th July

Years R-3 trip to Felixstowe (need packed lunch)

Wednesday 20th July

Years 4-6 trip to Parliament (need packed lunch and tea)

Thursday 21st July

Last day of term



Bentley School's Christian Ethos

"Know that I am with you always," Matthew 28:20 We encourage the spiritual, social, moral and cultural development of the school family by embedding Christian values into everyday life. Our vision is for all children to be confident individuals, successful learners and responsible citizens who are well equipped for future life, knowing that God is with them always.