Copdock Weekly News 10.06.16

Dear All

We have reached the end of another busy week, having acquired medals at the Swimming Gala on Tuesday, we have had pupils taking part in the Kwik Cricket Tournament at East Bergholt Cricket Ground this afternoon.

This morning we welcomed our new Foundation intake for September into Kittens for the first of their induction sessions, a big thank you to our current Foundation stage children for making them feel so welcome.

Summer Fair raffle tickets have gone home today, together with confirmation that next Friday 17th June will be a non-school uniform day, in exchange for which we are asking for donations for the bottle tombola.  The PTA are also asking for donations for the "Teddy Bear Tombola", Tombola and for Raffle Prizes.  They will also be requesting that the bakers among you don your aprons nearer the day to produce some tasty treats for the cake stall.  We thank you all in anticipation for your continued support to both the PTA and the school.

The children enjoyed a special lunch today in celebration of the Queen's 90th Birthday.  The hall was decorated with table cloths and bunting bearing the Union Jack and music was playing whilst the children ate.  They had a fantastic time!

We have had lots of entries for the Queen's Birthday Card Competition, prizes will be announced at the Queen's Birthday Celebrations on Sunday.  4-5 year old and 6-7 year old winners will receive a £5.00 book token and 8-9 year old and 10-11 year old winners will receive a £10.00 book token.

This afternoon we have had a great turnout to both the KS1 Algebra Session and for our Sharing Afternoon in all classes.  Thank you all for supporting your children.

A letter was sent home yesterday asking your views on the new way in which we are sharing information about your child's progress and assessment.  If you could take a few minutes to complete a very short survey on this, it would really help us to shape the future of assessment in the school.  The survey can be found at:

Copdock Ladies - Race for Life Team - members of staff will be taking part in the Ipswich Race for Life, if you would like to sponsor us, please use the following link:-

Your support will be gratefully appreciated, we may walk, we may jog, we may run but whatever happens, we will enjoy and complete the course!!!!

Next week:

Sunday - Copdock Queen's Birthday Celebrations 2 - 5 @ Copdock Barn (Ian & Diane's). Under 16s attending will be able to choose from a book on the Queen's Life or a Union Jack Pen and Under 5s will receive a Union Jack Ball.

Phonics Screening for year 1 pupils and those in year 2 who did not do it last week

Tuesday - Cross Country @ Bentley School Field (selected year 5/6 pupils)

Wednesday - Kate Greenaway Book Awards @ EBHS (selected year 5/6 pupils)

Wednesday - Quadkids Tournament @ Northgate Sports Ground (selected year 5/6 pupils)

Friday - Year 4 sleepover @ Copdock and own clothes day with a donation for the bottle tombola

We hope you all have a fantastic weekend!

Bentley School's Christian Ethos

"Know that I am with you always," Matthew 28:20 We encourage the spiritual, social, moral and cultural development of the school family by embedding Christian values into everyday life. Our vision is for all children to be confident individuals, successful learners and responsible citizens who are well equipped for future life, knowing that God is with them always.