16/09/24 Wolves
Date: 13th Sep 2024 @ 8:13am
Welcome back Wolves,
I hope you have had a great weekend,
Our learning behaviour of the week is: ''tune in and concentrate" and our value is "generosity"
Words of the week: technology and continent
Monday - Wear PE Kit
Tuesday - Wear PE Kit
Thursday - Whole school healthy living day
Friday - Federation Healthy Living Event. Reception dropped off at Copdock at the normal time. Year 1 and 2 dropped off at Copdock village hall. Reception children will be taken to the village hall during lunchtime (they will eat at Copdock). All parents welcome to join at the village hall from 2:30.
Due in 19.9.24
1) Little Wandle Phonics sheets in homework book to be completed for reception and year 1. Year 2 have a reading comprehension task to complete.
2) 5 reads
3) Spelling shed logins will be sent out next week :)
Have a great week!