What support will there be for my childs overall well being?
SEND Offer
What support will there be for my childs overall well being?
We are an inclusive federation and we welcome and celebrate diversity. All staff appreciate the importance of pupils having high self-esteem in order to achieve positive well-being. At Bentley and Copdock, we commit to our own values and ensure our pupils are able to develop in a caring, fair and understanding environment. The classroom teacher has overall responsibility for the pastoral and social care of every pupil in the class. Therefore this would be the parents’/carers' first point of contact. If further support is required, the classroom teacher can liaise with the SENDCo for further advice and support. This may involve working alongside outside agencies such as County Inclusive Support Services and health services. We also have peer mentors, nurture provision as well as a range of daily interventions.
There is a behaviour policy in place for Bentley and Copdock. All children are actively encouraged to make the right choices and to take responsibility for their behaviour and actions. Some pupils may need individual strategies and support to help them make the right choices.