How will the curriculum be matched to my childs needs?

SEND Offer

How will the curriculum be matched to my childs needs?

We ensure that all pupils who have SEND are met to the best of the schools abilities with the funds available. We will often allocate Teaching Assistants who may be funded by the SEND budget to deliver programmes designed to meet groups of pupil’s needs. The budget is allocated on a need and provision basis.

All learning within the classroom is pitched at an appropriate level so that all pupils are able to access according to their specific needs. This often means that learning will be differentiated at different levels and will incorporate individual strategies to support individual needs. This will help pupils to access the learning which ever level they are working at and is referred to as Quality First Teaching. We also use a range of strategies in the classroom to help all pupils access the curriculum such as dual coding (drawing while speaking), visual aids, Information Technology (IT), Clicker software and colour mind maps. We also follow the Jane Considine approach in our writing lessons which focuses on sentence stacking, this refers to the fact that sentences are stacked together, chronologically and organised to engage pupils with short, intensive moments which pupils can apply in their writing independently. This approach supports working memory and processing as it chunks information. 

In order to ensure that learning is pitched at an appropriate level and skills build on and develop progression, we will look at important knowledge and skills that need to be mastered from preceding year groups in the National Curriculum. This will help to close gaps in learning and ensure prerequisite skills and knowledge are in place to access the next steps.


At our schools we recognise the impact of assessment to inform planning and provision for pupils with SEND.

  • Throughout the identification and assessment process, parents/carers are kept informed.
  • Through termly tracking meetings, we closely observe the progress that all pupils achieve and support any pupil we believe may be experiencing difficulties – including those pupils who need emotional and behavioural support.
  • We track all our pupils resilience using a 'resilience tracker' to identify and implement activities that will stregthen our pupils resilience.
  • We ensure that pupils with additional needs are appropriately involved at all stages taking into account their levels of ability and understanding.
  • To monitor the impact of interventions and support in place to ensure that pupils are closing the gap within their learning.

Identification of Children with SEND

In recognition of the Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum, pupils will be given the autumn term in Year 1 to make the transition to the National Curriculum. If pupils do not begin to access age related expectations by the end of this term, they will be placed on the SEND register with small step targets that are pertinent to the pupil's needs. 

Monitoring Support

When a pupil is identified as a 'monitor' and receiving interventions that are additional or different from those provided as part of the usual differentiated curriculum. Teachers will provide Quality First Teaching (QFT) which includes differentiation, a range of strategies and support to ensure that the majority of pupils needs are met within the class curriculum.

SEND Support

When a pupil is identified as SEND they will be placed on the SEND register. If pupils needs are unable to be met through additional intervention, a request of help from external support services is likely to follow. This decision will be taken by the SENDCo and colleagues, in consultation with parents/carers, at a meeting to review the pupil’s individual targets. This will ensure that effective provision is in place, designed to prevent the development of more significant needs.

Education Health Care Plan (EHCP)

For a very few pupils the help given by schools through special needs may not be sufficient to enable the pupil to make adequate progress. It will then be necessary for the school, in consultations with the parents/carers and any external agencies involved, considering the initiation of a statutory assessment. An EHC is a legal document that will outline targets set and strategies to meet these targets. 

Bentley School's Christian Ethos

"Know that I am with you always," Matthew 28:20 We encourage the spiritual, social, moral and cultural development of the school family by embedding Christian values into everyday life. Our vision is for all children to be confident individuals, successful learners and responsible citizens who are well equipped for future life, knowing that God is with them always.