Design & Technology
Design and Technology explores designing and making products that solve problems, and then evaluating how successful the results are.
During the Early Years Foundation Stage, the essential building blocks of children’s design and technology capability are established. There are many opportunities for carrying out D&T-related activities in all areas of learning in the EYFS. Specifically, By the end of the EYFS, most children should be able to:Construct with a purpose in mind, using a variety of resources and use simple tools and techniques competently and appropriately. They will build and construct with a wide range of objects, selecting appropriate resources and adapting their work when necessary as well as selecting the tools and techniques they need to shape, assemble and join materials they are using.
In Phase 1/2 pupils develpop their disciplinary knolwedge through Understanding of Materials to find out how materials can be modified so they are waterproof. Food and Nutruition also requires pupils to use their scientific knowledge to learn why vegetables are important, what proxcessed foods are and how foods can affect their senses. Skills such as choppping, grating and modifying foods are develpped. In Mechanisms, children learn how wheel axles work together and in structures they learn how to stop a tower from toplling over. Textiles develops the names of tools for sewing and running stitch.
In Phase 3 /4 pupils continue to develop their knowledge of Food and Nutrition by building on from food and senses in Phase 1/2, learning how food can help their body and mind and how to prepare and cook a range of vegetables. Skills are developed further from chooping and grating to cooking food. They learn about balanced diets and explore if cheap foods are worse. In Textiles, children learn about fastenings and shanks, and in Structures, they learn which shapes give structural stability. In Mechanisms, pupils will use their prior knowledge of axles to know types of levers and linkages, key terminology relating to levers and linkages, how levers and linkages can change the direction of movement. Pupils explore switche and design games using their scientific knowledge of Electricity.
In Phase 5/6 pupils continue to build their knowledge of Mechanisms from Phase 3/4 and learn how pulleys and gears can change the direction of movement. In Structures, they learn how frames are strengthened, reinforced and made rigid while in Electricity pupils will build on from prior knowledge of switches to know more than one switch can be used to change the functionality of a product. Food and Nutrition explores how food affects the way we feel and know the difference between slow release and quick release carbohydrates so they can improve their mood and energy levels. They will be able to dice, slice, peel, grate and cook a range of vegetables, make a sauce and a stock as well as use height and colour to improve the visual appeal of food. In Textiles, pupils will consider which fabrics are functional and hard wearing, desining and making a bag as well as developing the skills of running and blanket stitches.
Our DT curricuulum promotes and develops diversity through the study of significant designers such as Roma Agrawal, structural egineer to the Shard. Children reflect on what we can learn from different cultures in food and nutrition. Fruit and vegetables such as kohlrabi, pak choi and sweet potato that were once not part of our diet are now readily available. Furthermore, our curriculum prepares children for study beyond KS2 by developing early concepts which are studied at GCSE level: developments in new materials, mechanical devices, forces and stress, materials and their working properties, techniques and processes and design strategies.