Bentley - Wolves 2024 - 2025
Mrs Rivers
Miss Cooper
Mrs Cooper is Wolves class teacher and joined Bentley school in 2022 and leads Design and Technology. She enjoys walking her dog Rex and spending time in her garden.
Mrs Fisher
Miss Easton
Mrs Drain
Welcome to life in Wolves Class....
Children come into Wolves Class in Reception and learn through child initiated play with some structured sessions in the morning to teach phonics, guided reading, writing and numeracy to the whole group. Children are encouraged to become independent learners and we focus on personal and social skills.
Children stay in Wolves Class for 3 years at present. As they move into Year 1, their learning becomes more structured, but still lots of fun, with the children planning their own learning, especially in their creative topic. Year 2 children will primarily be taught in the hub.
All children will learn what to do if they are stuck and how to begin to take responsibility for their own learning. They will be encouraged to grow their mind and challenge themselves. They will be encouraged to become responsible citizens, confident individuals and successful leaners right from day 1.
For Reception parents: for your child's online Learning Journey log in click below:
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Bentley - Wolves: News items
Bentley Weekly Update 28.3.2025, by Mrs Cumberland
Bentley Weekly News 21.3.2025, by Mrs Cumberland
Bentley Weekly News 14.3.2025, by Mrs Cumberland
Bentley - Wolves: Blog items
Bentley - Wolves: Calendar items
B - PTA Mother' Day afternoon tea, by Mrs Cumberland
B - Easter Bonnet parade and Easter service at Bentley Church, by Mrs Cumberland
B - Sharing Assembly, by Mrs Cumberland