24.6.24 Squirrels
Date: 21st Jun 2024 @ 3:52pm
Hello Squirrels,
I hope you have had a lovely weekend!
Our learning behaviour of the week is: 'Push yourself' and our value is 'respect'
Our words of the week are 'perennial' and 'germination'.
Monday - Wear PE Kit
Tuesday - Federation spaorts day at the village hall. You need to be dropped there at 8.45am in PE kit with your t shirt in team colours. You will need a packed lunch if you haven't ordered a grab and go lunch. Parents can join us from 12pm. Remember weather appropriate clothing including sun hat and sun cream and plenty of water. Please do not bring any school bags with you. (No lego club)
Wednesday - Class swap morning.
Friday - Homework due in.
Special request:
We are still needing small cardboard boxes (e.g. small cereal boxes) and toilet roll as our DT topic continues. If you have any of these at home that you are happy for us to use please send them in with your child anytime during the week.
General reminders:
Please ensure you are bringing bookbags and water bottles to school.
Earrings must be taken out for PE.
Please, please, please - if you can help for a short time slot ( 1 hr, 45 mins) at the summer fete on Sunday 23rd June at the village hall, it would be much appreciated. The PTA are a few parents who give up their time to raise money for school. In Squirrels, we have had a new whiteboard screen which cost £1600 paid for by the PTA. The PTA also contributed £10 per child to our recent class trip to Colchester castle, saving parents money. Squirrels children and families have directly benefitted from the PTA so please help if you can for an hour and 45 mins at the fete. Please contact Heidi or the office. Amy, Hannah and Helen (KS1 parents) are also usually around at the end of the day.
Due in 28.6.24
- Spellings
- Phonics (Y1)
- Practice for number challenge
- Durations of time
- Plants
- 5 reads (please remember to record these in reading logs)
Have a great week!
Miss Barton