Adders Class 11.11.24
Date: 7th Nov 2024 @ 8:39pm
Welcome to another week in Adders Class!
This week's timetable can be accessed HERE.
You will need to wear your PE kit on MONDAY and TUESDAY this week. Ben will teach you on Monday and I will teach you on Tuesday. Please make sure that ALL uniform is named (especially PE jumpers).
On MONDAY, it is our Remembrance Service at the war memorial at 11am. Those of you who are saying something during the service, please make sure you practise at home. Mrs Lawrance will be with our class for this.
On WEDNESDAY, we are going to an exciting music day at RHS with Foxes Class. You will need to wear school uniform and bring a packed lunch and a drink. You will be transported to the venue either by minibus or my car. Your grown ups are invited to a performance at 1.45pm and can take you home when it finishes at approximately 2.15pm. Grown ups who are coming to watch the afternoon performance must not arrive too early and should not wander the school site. Please park on the Parade Ground and enter via the doors on the South Terrace. They can watch the performance from the balcony in the Assembly Hall. PLEASE MAKE SURE YOU KNOW IF YOUR GROWN UP IS ATTENDING OR IF YOU WILL NEED TO BE TAKEN BACK TO SCHOOL.
It's Parents Evening on WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY so please make sure that your grown ups have signed up for an appointment. You will need to attend the meeting so you can talk about the learning you have done so far this term.
Do not forget to practise the notes you have been taught on your clarinet and BRING YOUR INSTRUMENT IN ON THURSDAY.
The learning behaviour this week is 'Tuning in and Concentrate' and our value this half term is 'Compassion'. Our words this week are: 'upthrust' and 'longitude'.
Your homework from before half term needs to be in on FRIDAY so we can mark it. This week's homework (to be given out on FRIDAY 15th NOVEMBER) is:
- Maths - Common Multiples.
- Writing: Please watch this VIDEO explaining the different types of sentences. I would like you to edit and rewrite the paragraph of writing adding in the missing capital letters, full stops for sentence breaks, commas to demarcate clauses/fronted adverbials and inverted commas for dialogue. You must write using black handwriting pen and make sure that your presentation is of a high standard (joined handwriting and correct spellings).
- Practise the second column of the Year 5/6 Common Exception Words and your personal spellings.
- Use TTRockstars to practise your times tables - you MUST know these!! If you don't, you need to go on here EVERYDAY.
- Read for Pleasure at least FIVE times this week and record this in your Log Book for our Reading Giants challenge. Ask a grown up to sign your book.
Please complete your homework and bring into school on FRIDAY 22nd NOVEMBER.