Adders Class 16.10.23
Date: 12th Oct 2023 @ 10:26pm
Welcome to the final week of the first half of the Autumn Term 2023.
This week's timetable can be accessed HERE.
It is Activities Week this week so please study the timetable carefully. We will be at Copdock on TUESDAY and THURSDAY. On Thursday afternoon, we will be at Pipers Vale for a gymnastics session.
We are sailing on WEDNESDAY, so you will need to bring your swimming kit, a towel, an old pair of shoes to sail in and a packed lunch.
You will need to wear your PE kit on MONDAY, TUESDAY and THURSDAY.
FRIDAY: PD Day - an extra day off!!
The learning behaviour this week is 'Improve' and our value this half term is 'Thankfulness'. Our words of the week are: 'harmony' and 'manuscript'.
This week's homework is:
- Reading Comprehension - 'Rewilding Britain: is it time to bring back our lost predators?'. Read the information and then answer the questions in your homework books using full sentences. Don't forget to use a black handwriting pen to write your answers.
- Maths - Y5: Rounding within one million, Y6: Add and Subtract Integers.
- Practise the first column of the Y5/6 (or next 10 of the Y3/4) words on Spelling Shed. You will have a spelling test during the first week back after half term.
- Read for Pleasure at least FIVE times this week and over half term, and record this in your Log Book. Ask a grown up to sign your book.