Adders Class 17.6.24
Date: 13th Jun 2024 @ 5:22pm
Welcome to the third week of the second half of the Summer Term 2024.
This week's timetable can be accessed HERE.
Please click HERE for the link to the dance video for the opening ceremony of Sports Day. Please take time to practise.
You will need to wear your PE kit on MONDAY and TUESDAY this week. I will teach you on Monday and Ben will teach you on Tuesday.
On WEDNESDAY morning, we are at Crucial Crew in Stowmarket. You will need to wear full school uniform and bring a packed lunch as we probably won't be back at school until at least 12.30pm.
I am out of class all day on THURSDAY so you will have Mrs Lawrance teaching you.
This week, we are starting our DT project where we will be making teddy bears out of old clothes, blankets or fleeces in order to repurpose them and link to our WW2 topic. Therefore, you will need to bring in an old fleece, hoodie/sweatshirt, fleecy blanket or t-shirt that is no longer needed in order to make your teddy bear. It could belong to anyone in the family (please ask permission first!) and could even be an old school sweatshirt that the you have grown out of. Could you please make sure any donations have been washed and are in a decent state. I would like you to bring in your donation by FRIDAY 21st JUNE.
The learning behaviour this week is 'Work Hard' and our value this half term is 'Respect'. Our words this week are: 'repurpose' and 'swatch'.
This week's homework is:
- Reading Comprehension - 'Facts about Light'. Read the information and then answer the questions in your homework books using full sentences. Don't forget to use a black handwriting pen to write your answers.
- Maths - Y5: Converting Units of Time. Y6: Forming Expressions
- Practise all of the Y5/6 (or next 10 of the Y3/4) words on Spelling Shed for a couple of weeks and your own list of personal spellings.
- Use TTRockstars to practise your times tables - you MUST know these!! If you don't, you need to go on here EVERYDAY.
- Read for Pleasure at least FIVE times this week and record this in your Log Book. Ask a grown up to sign your book.