Adders Wednesday 24th June 2020

Date: 23rd Jun 2020 @ 12:50pm

Hello Adders!  Happy Wednesday everyone!

This is the learning that I would like you to complete today:




Currency Conversions

Continue with the activities from Monday’s blog.

ED/FD/IF/LW/JL - Line Graphs:  Complete the following activities today and tomorrow:

Varied Fluency, Reasoning + Problem Solving, Homework Extension + Discussion Problems.  These will need to be downloaded from today’s blog as pdf documents.  You will need to choose whether you complete the Developing OR Expected activities.


Find out about the Galapagos Islands and complete the quiz.  Summarise the information you have discovered.

Spelling + Vocab

List adjectives and place names that begin with the same letter e.g. fascinating France, sweltering Sri Lanka, exquisite England. Can you put these into a list poem?

ED/FD/IF/LW: Choose 5 Common Exception words and trace around each word. What do you notice about the shape of each word?





Schools Around the World:  Using this website, have a look at what life looks like at different schools around the world.  What’s the same and what’s different about the schools?  Choose 6 contrasting countries to compare the school with our school in Bentley.  Choose a way to present your information about what you have found out.


Have a super day Adders and don’t forget to email me your learning and upload your photos to the Discussion on the website.  Mrs Lawrance will be ringing the Year 5s and some of the Year 6s today and tomorrow.

Files to Download

Bentley School's Christian Ethos

"Know that I am with you always," Matthew 28:20 We encourage the spiritual, social, moral and cultural development of the school family by embedding Christian values into everyday life. Our vision is for all children to be confident individuals, successful learners and responsible citizens who are well equipped for future life, knowing that God is with them always.