Foxes 13.6.22
Date: 12th Jun 2022 @ 7:46am
Good morning Foxes
I hope you have had a lovely weekend, such great weather to get out and about.
Our learning behaviour this week is Enjoy your learning and try new things.
PE is Monday and and Tuesday, we will be running through our sports day on Tuesday so we know what's happening ready for the following week. Thank you to thiose of you who let the office know what lunch you will be having on the day. It does help them to organise everything for the day.
I have attached this week's timetable so you know what we will be learning.
We are starting our sex and relationship education this week, so hopefully you have had a chance to talk this through with your adults at home.
Please remember your sun cream, hats and water bottles as the warm weather continues.
Enjoy the rest of your day and I will see you in the morning.
Mrs Windmill