Foxes 1.5.23

Date: 30th Apr 2023 @ 6:09pm

Good afternoon Foxes

I hope you are enjoying the long weekend.

Our learning behaviour is 'work hard' this week.

Year 5 you have your Bikeability on Tuesday and Wednesday. Please make sure you have read the letter and are ready to start on Tuesday. Make sure you have appropriate clothing for being outside all day, as it will go ahead regardless of the weather. Your bikes must have been checked too. These can be left locked in school overnight if it makes it easier for you.

Year 6 we will be doing some last minute SATs practice so keep in mind anything you want to go over before SATs the week after next. 

Advance warning, you will need to be in school SATs week slightly earlier than usual, just so we have a calm start to the day. I haven't heard that parents are doing a breakfast that week so you will need to make sure you have had a good breakfast before you come in and remember your bottles of water. I will talk you through this next week so you are ready. Let's not forget this is a 'snapshot' of what you can do on each day. We do not need to worry about them. As long as you do your best then that's good enough.

Thursday we have the coronation event. I am not in school during the morning but Mrs Handscome and Miss Cox will be. You can wear red, white and blue on the day. If you wish to make a Union Jack flag at home to bring to the evnt then please do so. If you are the King or Queen please think through what you want to wear for the evnt. (You may wish to bring a change of clothes for afterwards)

I have attached the timetable but it is only a draft as I am sure it will change to fit what we need to do. Year 6 we will do some PE on Wednesday as usual whilst year 5 are out on their bikes.

Enjoy the rest of today and tomorrow and I will see you on Tuesday. (Year 5 - if there are any last minute questions about Bikeability please ask your parents to email me)

Mrs Windmill

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Bentley School's Christian Ethos

"Know that I am with you always," Matthew 28:20 We encourage the spiritual, social, moral and cultural development of the school family by embedding Christian values into everyday life. Our vision is for all children to be confident individuals, successful learners and responsible citizens who are well equipped for future life, knowing that God is with them always.