Foxes 21.10.24
Date: 18th Oct 2024 @ 8:18am
Good morning Foxes
Our learning behaviour this week will be to focus on all them particulary whilst we are away.
Our value is generosity
Monday - bring your clarinets in
Tuesday PE with Ben, clarinet
Wednesday - PGL make sure you come in wearing your old clothes and can easily carry your bags and cases. Any bags for sleeping bags need to be strong for when they are in the coach. You should have a packed lunch in a disposable bag for when we arrive.You can bring a small bag to have on the coach for books/pens. No electronics please. Medication should be named and given to me on the gate. Money can be given to Mr Hurst when we arrive, maximum £6 please.
Your homework this week is to check the weather forecast for whilst we are away and make sure you have enough dry clothes and layers if necessary. Use your packing list and bring it with you to check you have everything packed for when we leave. I will not be packing for you!!! Please also make sure you can roll your sleeping bags up. I will not be doing this either!!!
As always please ask if you are not sure.
Please continue to do your 5 reads and practise the spellings on Spelling Shed until we go.
For any of you staying in school you will be working with Woodpeckers for these 3 days so please check their blog for any information.
Have a restful weekend and bring your resilience, confidence, determination and fun to school next week.
Mrs Windmill