Foxes 24.5.21

Date: 22nd May 2021 @ 8:38pm

Hi Foxes

I hope you've all had a great weekend and ready for your final week of learning before half term.

Thank you to all parents that have booked a consultation with me on Tuesday, I look forward to speaking with you. Please note that consultations are only 10 minutes and, therefore, we need to keep conversations brief. If you haven't booked yet, please do so as it is so important that we work together to ensure your children achieve the best they can.

On Thursday and Friday year 5 have their bikeabiliy so will need bikes in school for those 2 days. If you have any difficulties please let the office know so we can try to resolve them for you. Please refer to the letter for appropriate clothing for these days.

PE is back to Monday and Tuesday so please ensure the correct kit is in school for these days. 

Homework is due in on Tuesday as always. 

Learning behaviour is back to enjoy your learning. We have art and DT planned in this week so hopefully you are all ready to have a good week of being creative.

Please make sure you are still working on your year 5/6 spellings and times tables as well as your 5 reads a week. We are falling behind other classes with reading so please make sure you are reading every day, having your diaries signed at home and then bringing them to me to check. This is the best way to maximise your chances of achieving in all areas of the curriculum.

I am looking forward to spending the last week of this half term with you.

Mrs Windmill

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Bentley School's Christian Ethos

"Know that I am with you always," Matthew 28:20 We encourage the spiritual, social, moral and cultural development of the school family by embedding Christian values into everyday life. Our vision is for all children to be confident individuals, successful learners and responsible citizens who are well equipped for future life, knowing that God is with them always.