Foxes 5.9.22
Date: 3rd Sep 2022 @ 3:03pm
Good afternoon Foxes and parents
I hope you have all had a fantastic summer break and managed to get out and do some exciting things in the lovely weather. Hopefully you are recharged and ready to start a new year of learning.
Mrs Handscombe and I are very excited about our new class and coming on your learning journey with you.
I have attached a rough idea of our learning for the week but as we start to settle in we will just have to see how it goes.
PE will be on Mondays with Joe, our PE coach, and on Wednesdays with me. You do not need your PE kit this Monday, but you will need to come in wearing it every Monday and Wednesday after that. Please make sure it is appropriate for the weather conditions.
Our main topic this term is the Ancient Maya and we will eventually be comparing it to life in the Anglo Saxon times.
If parents have any questions, I am available to speak to you at the end of the day or you can contact the office to arrange a more suitable time. We have our parents meeting on Friday 9th September at 8.45-9.00am, so I can also answer any questions then.
Please remember if you are walking home alone then your parents must email the school to let us know. Otherwise we will assume you are being collected.
I am looking forward to a happy and positive start so please make sure you are wearing your smiles on Monday morning.
Enjoy the rest of your weekend.
Mrs Windmill