Foxes Monday 15th March
Date: 14th Mar 2021 @ 10:50am
Good morning
I hope you all had a lovely weekend and things have started to settle back to normal with your children back in school.
This week we will be finishing our balance arguments and starting to plan a piece of independent writing based on The Chocolate Tree. Year 5 are finished fractions by calculating fractions of amounta and year 6 are looking at ratio and proportion.
We are making 3D Maya masks in art as part of an art exhibition.
PE is back to Tuesdays and Thursdays so children will need to come in to school in PE kits on those days.
If there any Monster Calls stories or the independent stories at home please could you send them in with your child this week.
Homework and spellings will be set on Tuesdays and due back in the following Tuesday.
I will update this page with any messages that arise throughout the week. The last day of term is Easter bonnet day so please encourage your child to start thinking that through.
Friday we are raising money for Comic Relief. Please come to school wearing something red for a 50p donation. If you do not want to wear red then you should come in wearing school uniform.
Thank you once again for all your support during the lock down.
Mrs Windmill