Foxes Tuesday 5th May
Date: 5th May 2020 @ 7:32am
Good morning Foxes, hope you are bursting with energy today and ready for your learning.
I saw some amazing posts on the discussion last night, we had 2 sessions of Come Dine With Me. There are photos on there if you want to have a look.
Even if you didn't go that far, I wonder how many of you cooked or made your own lunches or even tried something new. I would love to know.
Yesterday in school we made some bunting for outside school and planned our own celebration street parties. Maybe some of you made bunting too, I know at least one of you did to hang outside for the VE day party on Friday. Maybe you could link in last weeks food topic and make some scones, which is what many communities are celebrating with on Friday.
Yesterday was the first day since lock down that no-one needed any help from me, so I am guessing that your adults are becoming super teachers and you are still super learners. Amazing! I hope you are all finding ways to work together so you all achieve everything you need to. I appreciate it's hard when adults have work to do too and maybe are sharing space and resources. Keep it going, you're doing great!
I have attached yesterday's answers so you know how you did. I'm here today if you need anything, even if it's just to say 'hi'. I do really miss you all!
Have a great day remember our topic is celebrations and sometimes it's important to think about all the things we have to celebrate such as family, friends, our homes and our health!
There is always something to celebrate!
Mrs Windmill