Foxes Wednesday 29th April

Date: 29th Apr 2020 @ 7:55am

Good morning Foxes, hope you are all up and raring to go this morning.

Hopefully you managed to find some fun activities to do alongside your learning yesterday despite the rain. I picked what I thought was a good time to go for a walk but apparently it wasn't so good after all and we got totally drenched. Still it was good fun but we were rather muddy and wet when we got home.

So today you have a reading comprehension to do. It would be good to hear how you are finding these ones as they are new and I am keen to know whether you are finding them at about the right level or not. Maybe you could post and let me know. 

Please also make sure you are looking after the reading comprehension books I sent home before Easter, I will need to think of a way of getting those back at some point.

Year 5 you are on millimetres and millilitres, hopefully you can find some practical activities for this. You could measure the rainfall today to see who has the wettest garden!

Year 6 you are on counting cubes so you will need a bit of visualisation for this. Whilst you are doing it you might be able to visualise when we will be back at school!

I'm looking forward to seeing some chocolate wrapper designs and maybe some meals that you have prepared, thank you again for those of you that are sharing your learning.

Attached are yesterday's answers, hope you all remembered what adverbials are!!

As always I hope you have a great day, maybe today's active learning could be dancing in the rain (safely of course).

Have fun, work hard and remember I have set this work for you, not your adults, so please don't blame them or get cross with them, let me know so I can help you.

Mrs Windmill

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"Know that I am with you always," Matthew 28:20 We encourage the spiritual, social, moral and cultural development of the school family by embedding Christian values into everyday life. Our vision is for all children to be confident individuals, successful learners and responsible citizens who are well equipped for future life, knowing that God is with them always.