Hedgehog Friday 18th February

Date: 18th Feb 2022 @ 7:00am

Good morning Hedgehogs,

I am so sorry we can't be with each other today but we need to ensure you are all safe.

I have set-up a link that will be sent to your parents so you can join me at 9.00 and again at 2.45 to talk through the day, share learning and I will announce the Learners of the Week.

Today I would like you to:

  • TTR 15 minutes
  • Reading comprehension attached - Race to the Frozen North. You will need to read through the text, then answer the rapid retrieval questions. Please answer them in full sentences in your homework book. 
  • Spelling Shed 15 minutes
  • Literacy - as part of our learning yesterday, we began to look at how to include expanded noun phrases into our sentences. Watch the video and complete the activities. https://classroom.thenational.academy/lessons/to-explore-expanded-noun-phrases-64r3ec 
  • Numeracy - statistics. Create a question, collect the data in a tally chart, then you may choose how you would like to present your data using a bar chart or pictogram or line graph. You could draw this using a ruler and pencil in your homework books or I am happy for you to do this practically. For example, my question, What colour lego bricks do people like the most? or look at your fruit bowl, What fruit do most people like? Ask your family members at home or make up your data and collect the data in a tally chart. Afterwards, construct your chart either practically using the items and use sticky labels/paper for the scales and labels or draw it in your homework books. 
  • PSHE - This afternoon, I would like you to think about understanding some of the needs of our local environment and show how to care for it.  In your homework book, record two things you like and two things you dislike about your local area. You could consider the play areas and why you like or dislike them. Now think about what other living things we share these areas with. What are the needs of British wild animals? Think back to Tuesday on our trip when we looked at what animals would live in the area and the positive and negative things about living there. I would like you to choose a British animal and draw it in your homework books in the middle of the page. Mind map around it all the responsibilities humans have to help provide that animal with its needs. 

I will talk through the activities when I meet with you later, any questions then please ask your adult to email me. Have a good day and I will look forward to seeing you at 9.00am and 2.45pm.

Mrs North


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"Know that I am with you always," Matthew 28:20 We encourage the spiritual, social, moral and cultural development of the school family by embedding Christian values into everyday life. Our vision is for all children to be confident individuals, successful learners and responsible citizens who are well equipped for future life, knowing that God is with them always.