Hedgehogs - Wednesday 24th June 2020

Date: 23rd Jun 2020 @ 12:54pm

Hello Hedgehogs!  It is Wednesday again already! 

This is the learning that you will need to complete today:




(Make sure you spend some time on Times Table Rockstars each day) 

Year 3 – Bar Charts;  Year 4 – Move on a grid

Work through the interactive resource (Y4) on the link below or PPT (Y3) before completing the following activities: Wednesday - Reasoning and Problem Solving. You will need to choose whether you complete the Developing OR Expected OR Greater Depth questions. These can be downloaded from Monday’s blog. The answers are at the end of the sheets. 

Year 3 - PPT on Monday’s blog

Year 4 - Move on a grid

Year 4 Extension Challenge – have a look at the Homework Extension for a further challenge.


Using the Talk 4 Writing Unit from Monday, The Stone Trolls, complete the Odd one Out game on identifying word types on page 10 of the booklet.


Draw a comic strip of the events in the Upside Down fable. Fold a piece of A4 paper into 4 or 8 sections (in half, half again and then half again for 8) to get the same sized sections for your comic strip.


List adjectives and place names that begin with the same letter to create alliterative phrases e.g. Fascinating France, Delightful Denmark, Loud London etc.

Can you now put them into a list poem?





Art - Research Andy Goldsworthy a British art sculpture who uses natural objects from the environment to recreate patterns. Can you use natural materials, paints or collage to create your own picture in the style of Andy Goldsworthy?  Use the pictures on the timetable on Monday’s blog.


Have a lovely day Hedgehogs!  Don’t forget to upload some of your learning to this week’s Discussion on the website – Thank you to Hugo, Natalia, Blossom, Reuben and Kelan for your comments and photos of your learning.

Mrs Robinson x

Bentley School's Christian Ethos

"Know that I am with you always," Matthew 28:20 We encourage the spiritual, social, moral and cultural development of the school family by embedding Christian values into everyday life. Our vision is for all children to be confident individuals, successful learners and responsible citizens who are well equipped for future life, knowing that God is with them always.