Hedgehogs 13.9.21
Date: 9th Sep 2021 @ 8:18pm
Good morning Hedgehog parents,
I hope you had a lovely weekend.
Our learning behaviour of the week is, 'Tune in - Concentrate'.
Vocabulary words this week are: 'affect and 'impact'.
Monday - Children will need to come to school in their uniform and bring their swimming kit.
Times tables test
New weekly spellings will be coming home today from Mrs Drain's group and the spelling test will be every Monday. I have set-up the children's weekly spellings and Year 3 & 4 Statutory Spellings they are learning this half term on Spelling Shed so please make sure your child is practising daily. If there are any issues to login then please let me know. I will be asking the children to stick in their login details (QR codes) in their logbooks next week.
Homework this week is a reading comprehension which is stuck in your child's homework book. This is due in Monday 20th September.
Friday - PE kit needed
Logbook check so please make sure your child's logbook is signed with their 5 reads recorded.
This half term in our topic, we are focusing on a local study of Suffolk. I have attached our Curriulum Map below.
I will look forward to seeing all parents on Wednesday on the Teams link 6:20-6:40pm to explain more about the expectations of the class.
Have a lovely week,
Mrs North