Hedgehogs 14.2.22
Date: 11th Feb 2022 @ 3:32pm
Good morning Hedgehog families,
I hope you had a lovely weekend and ready for our final week before we break up for half term.
Our learning behaviour of the week is, 'Improve' and our value is 'Courage'.
Vocabulary words this week are: 'communities' and 'stereotypes'.
PE Kits to be worn on Monday and bring swimming kits Monday.
Swimming - If your child is in Rose's group, they will need a t-shirt and shorts or PJ's for their lesson on Monday please.
Tuesday - Trip to Suffolk Food Hall - we will be leaving and returning in the school day. Children need to wear their school jumpers and polo shirts but traksuit bottoms/waterproof trousers can be worn with this. We will be going outside, so please ensure your child has a coat and wearing appropriate footwear. They will need a packed lunch and a drink.
Wednesday - The children will be learning about 'Spirituality' when we do a Prayer Space.
Throughout the week, we will be concluding our topic learning for this half term. On Friday, we will be saying, 'Farewell' to Miss Clements who will be continuing her teacher training at her previous primary school. She has been fantastic this half term, we wish her all the best in the future and we will miss her!
No Homework during half term - however, I would still like the children this week to be practising their times tables and completing their 5 reads ready for this Friday and continue reading through the half term break.
Have a lovely week,
Mrs North.