Hedgehogs 28.06.21
Date: 23rd Jun 2021 @ 9:45pm
Good morning Hedgehogs
I hope you had a lovely weekend.
Our learning behaviour this week is 'Have a go on your own, push yourself'
Our vocabulary words are 'saliva' and 'enzyme'
Throughout the week we will be continuing with assessments.
Monday - Spelling test and new spellings given out.
Homework in and new homework out - please refer to your child's homework book for more information.
Year 4 swimming - please make sure your child brings in their swimming kit. Year 3 PE with Mrs Hicks.
Tuesday - The country we are learning about for the Olympics is Italy. We are learning about the location of Italy, the human and physical features of Italy and for DT we are going to design, make and evaluate a pizza. We have a special visitor coming into school to support our learning of making Italian food.
Wednesday - We are learning about the history of Olympics.
Thursday - Sports Day, please refer to your letter for further information. Please make sure your child is wearing the correct colour t-shirt.
Friday - 5 reads will be checked so please make sure the children's log books are signed and there is a times table test so please ensure your child is practising their tables everyday.
During Family Assembly, worship group will be sharing.
Friday Non- School Uniform - Please bring in a bottle of alcohol or sweets for the Summer Fayre tombola in exhange for non-uniform day.
TTRockstars - Please make sure your child is continuing to practise their multiplication recall on TTR.
Please can you make sure your child has their water bottles in everyday, hats and suncream as required.
Have a lovely week.
Mrs North