Hedgehogs 4.4.22
Date: 30th Mar 2022 @ 1:34pm
Good morning Hedgehog families,
I hope you are ready for your final week before the Easter holidays.
We welcome back Mrs Duff fully back into Hedgehogs this week.
Our learning behaviour of the week is, 'Improve' and our value is 'Forgiveness'.
Vocabulary words this week are: 'recreation' and 'deposition'.
PE Kits to be worn on Monday and and bring swimming kits Monday. NO PE Friday, please wear school uniform.
Tuesday - Tag rugby Festival Year 4 - Mrs Hicks will be taking the children on the mini-bus during school time to East Bergholt High School and they will be back by the end of the day. Your child will need their PE kits on, a coat, a drink and a snack. If you have received an email you will know your child is taking part.
Friday - Easter Service and parade - A reminder of our annual Easter service at the church this year on Friday 8th April. Children will need dropping off at the church at 8.45am and we will walk back to school after the event. Parents are welcome to join us for the Easter service and fond farewells to Mrs Rudge. Children need to remember to bring their Easter bonnets.
I will not be setting any homework over Easter, however, I would like the children to continue to read over the holiday and record it in their logbook and continue to practise times tables.
Have a restful and fun Easter break,
Mrs North