Hedgehogs 5.09.22
Date: 2nd Sep 2022 @ 4:29pm
Welcome back Hedgehog families,
We hope you have had a fantastic summer break and enjoyed paddling pools, paddling in the sea and eating ice-cream! We can't wait to see you and find out about what you have been up to.
Mrs Duff will be teaching Monday to Wednesday and Mrs North will be teaching Thursday to Friday. Mrs Hicks and Mrs Drain will be supporting us throughout the week.
Our learning behaviour of the week is 'Enjoy your learning - Try New Things' and our value is 'Generosity'.
The first two days learning will be focused on agreeing our class charter, growth mindset and our aspirations. On Wednesday we will begin learning about History and the Stone Age period.
We will look forward to giving you more information about Hedgehogs class when we see you at our parents' meeting on Wednesday 7th September at 3pm.
As always, if you have any questions, we will be available at the end of each day on the playground, even if to make an appointment for another time.
Please bring in your library Reading Challenge certificate and medal if you completed the Summer Reading Challenge.
We will look forward to seeing you on Monday.
Mrs North and Mrs Duff