Kittens 04.10.21
Date: 3rd Oct 2021 @ 8:39pm
Welcome to a new week of learning!
Kittens have a new teacher called Mrs Wright and she is looking forward to meeting all of Kittens class on Monday morning.
In English, Year 1 will continue to be learning how to write a recount and writing simple sentences with capital letters and full stops. Reception will continue to have daily phonic sessions and phonic homework.
In maths, Year 1 have secured place value to 10 and will be moving on to partitioning numbers.
Reception will be joining in with maths lesson starters and following this up with an activity in the classroom. They will also be learning how to take turns, listen and speak to develop communciation and language skills as well as interaction.
Remember, on Thursday we are having a doughnut disco, so if you would like to join in book a dinner on this day.
Should you have any questions about learning, please speak to Mrs Wright or Miss Cross.
Have a good week!