Kittens 14.10.24

Date: 11th Oct 2024 @ 12:30pm

Hi Kittens, 

I hope you have had a lovely weekend!

Our learning behaviour of the week is: 'Improve' and our value is 'Generosity'

Our words of the week are Reception: ‘below’ and ‘between’ Year 1: 'handle' and 'season'.


Tuesday - Wear PE kit. Please make sure all earrings are removed for PE 

Friday - Forest School for Reception. Please ensure your child is wearing trainers and has a pair of named wellies in a bag. Their wellies are getting very muddy so we do need a second pair of shoes!

Come and taste some of our catering company's food 2-2.30pm in the hall.


General reminders:

Please ensure you are bringing bookbags, water bottles and coats to school.

Earrings must be taken out for PE. 

Please make sure children are wearing correct uniform; including socks and it is labelled.

5 reads for the week must be recorded by the Friday of that week and in school on the Friday in order to be marked on the chart.


Due in 17.10.24

  1. Spellings (Year 1)
  2. Practice for number challenge
  3. Write a sentence using a noun and verb (Year 1)
  4. Phonics worksheet
  5. 5 reads (please remember to record these in reading logs)

If your adult would like to know more about the sentences we are learning in school and how to support you with your writing homework, please check out the writing video on the Curriculum tab-How parents can support the curriculum.

If your adult would like to know more about the sentences we are learning in school and how to support you with your writing homework, please check out the writing video on the Curriculum tab-How parents can support the curriculum.

Have a great week!

Mrs. Atkins

Bentley School's Christian Ethos

"Know that I am with you always," Matthew 28:20 We encourage the spiritual, social, moral and cultural development of the school family by embedding Christian values into everyday life. Our vision is for all children to be confident individuals, successful learners and responsible citizens who are well equipped for future life, knowing that God is with them always.