Kittens 17.5.21
Date: 16th May 2021 @ 5:15pm
Bonjour Kittens!
I hope you enjoyed your weekend and managed to avoid the rain!
This week our learning behaviour is improve.
This week, we will be finishing writing our own stories based on Wombat goes walkabout. In Maths, we will be thinking about odd and even numbers and dividing by equal sharing. In RE, we will be thinking about what happened to Jesus after he died on the cross.
Year 1
Please continue to read at least 5 times a week.
This week's spellings have the following spelling rule - ir and ur appears in the middle of words and sometimes at the beginning of words.
You and your grown-ups might like to look at the Year 1 common exception words that you need to read and write by the end of Year 1. They can be found here. Don't forget In your homework books, I have shown your grown-ups which ones to continue to practise.
In Maths, we are continuing to learn our number bonds. This week we are learning to add 2 more to a number. Can you practise each day and see how many you can complete in 2 minutes? Can you improve your score by the end of the week?
At the bottom of this blog you will find our In school this week overview for our learning last week.
Please continue to read at least 5 times a week.
You might like to play this reading game to help you to see and read the words that include the digraphs and trigraphs we have been learning.
Please continue to learn your tricky words. Ask your grown-ups to look at the link to find some fun ways to help you learn them.
You will find new spellings in your quiz book. Learn them over the week ready for your spelling quiz on Friday.
Let's have a great week of learning!
Best wishes,
Mr Ross :-)