Kittens 17.7.23

Date: 17th Jul 2023 @ 8:21am

Hi Kittens, 

We are now entering the final week of the year! It has been such a pleasure to have you all in Kitten Class. I'm so proud of the progress you have made throughout the year and the learning behaviours you have shown. You are all growing into confident, successful and responsible members of Copdock Primary. 

We are going to be coming to the end of all our learning this week and also having some fun to celebrate the end of a brilliant year. On Thursday we will be having our pajama day. You can come into school wearing appropriate pajamas or a onesie, a dressing gown (if you wish), slippers and a teddy! Make your you are also wearing sensible shoes to wear during break/lunch time. 

Throughout the week we will be sending home books, I will try to do this a few at a time so there is not too much to carry, please bring in a carrier bag to help you carry them home, these can be kept in trays until they are needed. 

Please also remember to bring back any library books or other resources you may have had from school throughout the year. 

Last week we completed our sponsored read, so please could any money raised be brought to school by Wednesday. Thank you :) 

On Friday, you may come to school in non-uniform, we will be having the leavers assembly in the morning and disco in the afternoon. 

Lets have a fabulous last week of school! 

Mrs Atkins :) 

Bentley School's Christian Ethos

"Know that I am with you always," Matthew 28:20 We encourage the spiritual, social, moral and cultural development of the school family by embedding Christian values into everyday life. Our vision is for all children to be confident individuals, successful learners and responsible citizens who are well equipped for future life, knowing that God is with them always.