Kittens 22.3.21
Date: 21st Mar 2021 @ 11:25am
Good morning Kittens!
I hope you had a nice weekend and are ready for our last week together before the Easter holiday.
This week's learning behaviour is ' keep trying - don't give up'.
This week in Literacy, we will be continuing to look at our text 'Jack and the Beanstalk'. We will also be looking back at instructions and planting our own bean seed. You will take this home at the end of the week to look after!
In the afternoons, will be thinking about Christian prayer and Easter. Easter is a very special time for Christians and will be thinking about why this is.
It was so good giving our reading challenge certificates last week. Remember, this continues! Read at least 5 times a week over 10 weeks to receive yours!
Year 1 Homework:
In Maths, we will be learning to secure our counting in twos and fives skills and this week's Maths homework will reflect this.
Please look at your homework book daily for activities to complete each evening. I will reward with brain stickers at the end of the week!
Monday - Ordering numbers sheet.
Tuesday - Reading wall words and counting in twos sheet - find the missing numbers.
Wednesday - Reading wall words and counting objects in groups of two.
Thursday - Reading wall words and counting in fives - find the missing numbers.
Friday - Reading wall and counting objects in groups of five.
Over the Easter holidays, I would like you to write a holiday diary. I will put your own diary in your reading folder on Friday with some more instructions.
Reception Homework:
Please continue to use your flashcards to help you recognise the diagraphs and trigraphs we have been learning. Don't forget your word keyring too. Keep using it to learn those words by sight.
Don't forget to take part in our reading challenge too, read 5 times a week over 10 weeks to receive your certificate.
In Maths, we will be looking at pairs of numbers that total 10. Please have a go at completing this Maths actvitiy and upload it to Tapestry. I would love to see your home learning! Here is also a song that might help too!
Have a great Easter holiday when it arrives. Enjoy some wonderful family time together!
Best wishes,
Mr Ross