Kittens 27/9/21
Date: 24th Sep 2021 @ 6:02pm
Bonjour Kittens!
I hope you had a lovely weekend and enjoyed some Autumn sunshine!
This week our learning behaviour is - have a go on your own, push yourself!
I know that pushing myself help me to get better at things.
I have a go one my own even when things are difficult.
I push myself in things I don't like doing.
I listen when my teacher is pushing me and act on their advice.
Don't forget it is PE on a Monday and Thursday. As Miss Cross is doing Forest Schools with you on a Monday too, you might want to wear some joggers to make sure your legs are well covered when you go exploring.
Gown-ups, there are still some outstanding home school agrements to be signed. Please log on here to complete yours if you have not done so yer. Thank you
Year 1:
Your homework this week is:
Reading: Can you read at least 5 times this week? Remember, in guided reading we have been talking about reading like the author, raising our voices up at the end of questions and reading expressively when seeing an exclamation mark. Can you try that at home too?
Don't forget about the Book Bingo Challenge!
Spellings: Please log on to Spelling Shed for this week's spellings. The spelling rule this week is - the f/l/s/z and k sounds are usually spelt as ff/ll/ss/zz and ck if they come straight after a single vowel in short words.
Maths: Can you find one more and one less than a number to 10? Challenge, what about to 20?
Topic: This week, we have been exploring our local area. What physical and human features can you see where you live?
This week, you have 2 books to share at home with your grown-ups. The first is your guided reading book that you shared with your teachers this week. Inside the book, on the front and back covers, it will guide your grown-ups how to share it with you. The second is a library book. Ask your grown-up to share your library book with you. Mr Ross would never expect you to read this book youself, but by your grown-up sharing it, it will help you learn new words and take you to new places!
Grown-ups, please click here for more information on how to share stories with your child. A hard copy will be placed in their bookbag on Monday.
Don't forget the Book Bingo Challenge too!
Last week, you learnt your first set of phonic sounds (s,a,t,p). On Friday, Mr Ross gave you a phonic book and flashcards. These will help you to learn your sounds at home with your grown-ups. On Monday, I have also added another game you can play to help you 'tune in' to hearing sounds. Can you find...... . Ask your grown-ups to cut out the pictures and lay them on the carept/table. Then ask your grown-ups to look at this clip here to help.
You will also find this link useful as you support your child at home with their phonics. This tab is located on the Squirrel's page on our school website.
Let's have a great week.
Mr Ross :-)