Kittens - 4.3.24

Date: 4th Mar 2024 @ 8:26am

Hi Kittens, 

I hope you had a lovely weekend!

Our learning behaviour of the week is: 'Tuning in' and our value is 'Forgiveness'

Words of the week are: Year 1: 'trust' and 'faith' Reception: 'mott' and 'bailey' 


Monday - Wear PE Kit. 

Tuesday - Stay and play for Reception parents from 2:40pm 

Thursday - Wear PE Kit

Friday - Homework due in. 


General reminders:

Children in Reception now have an extra piece of homework a week. This will be either Maths or Writing focused. If you did not do the Maths homework last week, please could you do it for this week :) 

Please ensure you are bringing bookbags and water bottles to school as well. 



Due in 8.3.24

  1. Phonics
  2. Reception - Write a short caption for the picture
  3. 5 Reads (please remember to record these in reading logs)

Year 1

  1. Phonics 
  2. Practice for number challenge
  3. Spellings 
  4. PSHE - This week in PSHE children have been learning about healthy lifestyles. One element of this was to understand the difference between active and sedentary, considering why it is important to be active. Can you complete the screen time/active time sheet over this week, recording how much time you spend on screens and how much on physical activity? 
  5. 5 reads (please remember to record these in reading logs)

Have a great week!

Mrs Atkins

Bentley School's Christian Ethos

"Know that I am with you always," Matthew 28:20 We encourage the spiritual, social, moral and cultural development of the school family by embedding Christian values into everyday life. Our vision is for all children to be confident individuals, successful learners and responsible citizens who are well equipped for future life, knowing that God is with them always.