Kittens 5.1.21
Date: 4th Jan 2021 @ 9:33pm
Good morning Kittens!
First of all, Happy New Year! I hope you had a lovely Christmas and had lots of fun. Thank you so much for your lovely kind words, cards and gifts. I had a lovely time on Christmas morning opening them. It was such a happy time.
However, I am feeling sad this morning that I can't welcome you back to school at the moment. Those horrible germs are about even more again which means we need to stay home safe. I am really going to miss you and I know you are going to miss school and your friends. But by staying home it will be one way to help get rid of the germs so we can be all together again soon.
We were only told yesterday that school will be closed so we are working really quickly to get your home learning ready for you. This might take a day or so but I have given you some learning to do for now.
Reception - please click here for your home learning
Reception grown-ups, please can you add your child's home learning to Tapestry and I will see and comment using this platform. So there will be no need to use your child's school website log in. Thank you
I will add a daily link on my Tapestry memos to join us for assembly each day.
Year 1 - please click here for your home learning click here for daily Maths worksheets
Year 1 grown-ups, please can you add your child's home learning to the discussion page on your child's school log in. I will see and comment using this. Thank you
I will add a daily link on the discussion page on your own log in to join us for assembly each day.
Grown-ups, thank you so much for your continued support. I know the challenges that this unsettling time will bring. Please be reassured that I will support in any way I can. The structure of the above home learning is not necessarily the structure we will use moving forward but please use it for now.
I will communicate more with you over the next few days as things develop. You have access to my school email address so that is always a point of communication for us to use. I will be in school all week teaching key-worker children so please be patient if you do email. I will respond as soon as possible.
Thank you Kittens and thank you grown-ups!
Have a good day!