Kittens 5.10.20

Date: 4th Oct 2020 @ 6:21pm

Hi Kittens, 

Remember, this week our learning behaviour is 'don't give up'. We all learn from our mistakes. So if your first idea does not work, try again!

Home learning: 

Yr 1 - Please continue to log on to Spelling Shed to help you to learn this week's spellings. Our 'reading challenge' continues so to get your weekly stars, read at least 5 times this week and ask a grown-up to sign your yellow book. 

I will also be adding a keyring inside your reading folder which are our 'word wall words' or also known as spot words. These are words that can be 'sounded out' (blended) but it's better to just know them by sight. This will help with your reading fluency. Go over these each night before you read for a couple of minutes. Can you spot them in your book? New ones will be given as you learn them. 

These are the pages to complete this week in your Phonic Workbook. Please only complete the given pages on each night. Thank you. 

Monday - pages 22-23, questions

Tuesday - pages 44-45, grand finale

Wednesday - page 46, grand finale 

Thursday - please complete spelling sheet ee (loose paper in your child's folder)

Friday - please complete spelling sheet ai (loose paper in your child's folder)


Please go over your flashcards daily with a grown up. Click here to the link to our Jolly Phonic songs. 

I have now added a 'My learning this week' sheet to remind you of your learning in school. You can talk to your grown-up about your learning and they can ask you questions too.  I will add this here every Friday and on the new week blog on a Monday.

Click here: My learning this week - Friday 2nd October 

Friday 9.10.20 

Click here: My learning this week - Friday 9th October 

Click here: Phonics Letter to parents - website links 

Bentley School's Christian Ethos

"Know that I am with you always," Matthew 28:20 We encourage the spiritual, social, moral and cultural development of the school family by embedding Christian values into everyday life. Our vision is for all children to be confident individuals, successful learners and responsible citizens who are well equipped for future life, knowing that God is with them always.