Squirrels 08.03.2021
Date: 9th Mar 2021 @ 9:23am
Good morning! Welcome back to school.
The children have been fantastic and settled very well. We have planned PHSE activities each morning to support the children to settle and get ready for the school day.
This week is science week and we have science investigations planned for every afternoon which link to the Great Fire of London. We will also be making our Tudor houses too, encouraging lots of active learning.
Reading books will be given out by the end of the week once we have assessed the children so please bring book bags in every day.
Please check this blog daily as I will be updating what we have been doing and post messages for you about homework and any changes here.
Best wishes,
Heidi Cross
Wednesday 10.03.21
The children have had a great day being scientists and discovering which matreials would be suitable for making a bucket. It was great to see them learning independently and managing their learning behaviour so well. they have been super stars!
Friday 12.03.21
The children have had a great day investigating the affects of heat on butter, banana, chees and chocolate.