Squirrels 4/10/21
Date: 3rd Oct 2021 @ 11:14am
Hello Squirrels,
I hope you have had a nice weekend!
Our learning behaviour this week is: Don't give up - persevere
This week we have lots of exciting learning, we will be continuing writing about our trip to the woods. In topic we are going to be learning all about our local history, focusing on the Victorians and what schools were like in the Victorian era.
Remember PE is on Monday and Thursday.
Spellings: Your spellings are up on spelling shed, make sure to practise ready for our spelling test on Friday.
Maths: Keep practising for our number challenge on Friday, it has been so nice to see the progress you are all making each week, keep it up!
Topic: Last week we were continuing our learning about our local area, particularly focusing on houses in our local area. Can you see what types of different houses you can see and name what type of house they are?
Have a good week!
Miss Barton