Squirrels 5.11.24
Date: 5th Nov 2024 @ 2:44pm
Hello Squirrels,
I hope you have had a great half term!
Our learning behaviour of the week is: 'Enjoy learning' and our value is 'Compassion'
Our words of the week are 'rigid' and 'translucent'.
Tuesday - Wear PE kit. Please make sure all earrings are removed for PE
Wednesday - New dinner menu. Please discuss dinner choice at home before coming to school.
Friday - Homework due in. School photos; please ensure your child is looking smart and has a jumper/cardigan. 2pm-coffee & chat; come and find out about our new handwriting programme.2.30pm-shared learning starts for parents who have more than one child in school. 2.45pm- shared learning for parents who only have one child in school. Kittens cake sale to raise money. Please bring your pennies along for the end of the day. cakes will be on sale outside if dry.
General reminders:
Please ensure you are bringing bookbags, water bottles and coats to school.
Earrings must be taken out for PE.
Please make sure children are wearing correct uniform; including socks and it is labelled.
5 reads for the week must be recorded by the Friday of that week and in school on the Friday in order to be marked on the chart.
Due in 8.10.24
- Spellings
- Practice for number challenge
- Y2 Adjectives worksheet
- Create a piece of work about something you have learnt.
- 5 reads (please remember to record these in reading logs)
If your adult would like to know more about the sentences we are learning in school and how to support you with your writing homework, please check out the writing video on the Curriculum tab-How parents can support the curriculum.
Have a great week!
Miss Barton