Tuesday March 31st
Date: 31st Mar 2020 @ 11:38am
Good Morning again Woodpeckers!
Hope you had a good day yesterday- how strange was the weather? one minute it was sunshine and the next snow?!? Very odd. But we did see a beautiful rainbow which was lovely.
How are you all getting on with your Home Learning Packs? Please do leave me comments as often as you can. I will be making phone calls to the Year 4's tomorrow so I look forward to talking to you.
Please make sure that you are all doing the following activities daily:
1. 20-30 minutes Reading (either quietly to yourself or to another person)
2. Practising your times tables, this can be through TT Rockstars, using the home learning pack or any other way that you enjoy.
3. Writing- this can be through the use of the home learning pack, the daily activity ideas that Mrs North and myself put on the blog or your own ideas. Just try and do some creative writing each day. Could be a diary entry of what you have done that day, an ongoing story (perhaps a chapter a day?) or even a poem.
So, todays activities. Have a go at the following activities when you get some time in the day.
a. Timetable of your day- Have a go at writing out a timetable of what you plan on doing tomorrow. Put the timings down the left hand side and the activity next to it. You could add a drawing of your activity as a visual prompt.
Make sure to include the whole day and add some free time activities as well as breaks for lunch, snacks and play. Don't forget to add your daily walk/cycle too. As an extension, can you add the timings up so that you have a total amount of minutes spent on education, keeping active, eating etc.
b. Properties of 2D and 3D shapes- Name as many 2D and 3D shapes as you can. Next to each shape write as many properties as you can. Remember to use the correct terminology.
e.g. Square- 4 equal length sides and 4 corners. Each corner is a right angle. Cube- 6 square faces, 8 vertices, 12 equal length edges.
Challenge- Have a go at drawing the shape- which ones are easier?
Please remember to make time to chill and spend quality time with your family. We love to play a board game in my house or bake things together, Yesterday we made Cheese Puffs- which were yummy! The recipe is below if you would like to make them with an adult at home:
Cheese Puffs: Ingredients: 1 egg, 125ml milk, 150g self raising flour, 200g strong grated cheese, 1 tsp mustard powder (optional but very tasty).
Preheat the Oven to 180 degreesC/ Fan 160 degrees/ Gas 4.
Beat all the ingredients together- no particuar order is needed.
Drop teaspoon- sized dollops onto a lined baking tray and bake fro about 20 mins. Cool on a wire rack, then enjoy!
Make sure an adult helps you and don't use the oven without adult supervision. They are very yummy so don't eat all at once and make sure you wait until they are cool- difficult as it will be
Have fun and ill blog again tomorrow.
Take Care- Miss you all lots
Mrs Collins xxx