Wolves 15/11//21
Date: 12th Nov 2021 @ 5:07pm
Learning Behaviour: Work hard
Vocabulary Reception: around, loud
Year 1&2: design, template, waterproof
This week is Anti-bullying week, we will be learning about saying 'One kind word' and about fillinf other people's buckets.
Friday is Children in Need - wear pyjamas for £1 donation.
Please remember to record your child's reading in their reading diary as soe children have had no stickers so far this half term, and 8 children didn't get stickers last week.
We will be writing our own version of Ruby's Worry story and exploring using number bonds to + and -.
We will be testing materials to see if they are waterproof and designing our own hand or sock puppet using the puppets we have in school, and then they can go back home. We will be making a paper template to make sure we make it the right size for our hand.
Mrs Rudge x