Wolves 21.6.21
Date: 18th Jun 2021 @ 5:15pm
Welcome to a new week - our learning behaviour is work hard.
Vocabulary, Y1&2 design and notice, Reception base and view.
This week in Science we are identifying plants again - please look for daisy, buttercup, stinging nettles, dandelion and ivy from last week and sunflower, tulip, pansy, rose and lavender this week. We are also looking at what plants need to thrive and be healthy.
In PSHE we are looking at what our bodies can do that we couldn't do as a baby, and about our privates being private. We are using the NSPCC Pants materials if you want to take a look.
In DT we will design our playground equipment that we will make the following week.
We will also learn about the Jewish story of Creation and continue with coding using Scratch. Children could continue this at home using the website: https://scratch.mit.edu/
In Maths we are looking at place value again of numbers to 20 or 100 and how to partition them in different ways and do 1 more/ less or 10 more/ less and where they fit on an number line.
We have an action packed week!
Look in the Gallery for our video of the Big Sing. http://www.bentleycopdock.co.uk/work/bentley-big-sing/66037