Wolves 24.3.25
Date: 20th Mar 2025 @ 12:20pm
Hello Wolves,
I hope you have had a lovely weekend.
Some reminders for the week.
Words: stitch and senses
Our value is justice and our learning behaviour is 'don't give up'
Monday - PE kit only required on Monday from now on! Year 2s will need their swimming kits.
Friday - Family Assembly. Reception children to Copdock.
1. Reception: 5 reads and phonics sheet
2. Year 1: Complete the phonics sheet and write 3 sentences containing the spelling words on the phonics sheet
3. Year 2: Practice your spellings each night. Write 3 sentences containing some of these words for extra practice. 5 reads
4. Continue to access spelling shed - common exception words have been set as an assignment - this is a really good way to practice these words that can be tricky to spell.
Thank you!