Wolves 29.11.24
Date: 29th Nov 2024 @ 12:42pm
Welcome back Wolves,
I hope you have had a lovely weekend
Our learning behaviour of the week is, 'have a go on your own, push yourself' and our value is, 'Compassion'.
Monday - Wear PE Kit.
Tuesday - Wear PE kit
Wednesday - School trip to Bury Cathedral.
Friday - Family assesmbly at 2:45
Lines for our school nativity have now been sent home - if your child has a speaking part, please practise these lines at home - thank you :)
Due in 6.12.24
1) 5 reads
2) Spelling shed (year 1)
3) Phonics homework in purple homework book (Reception and year 1)
4) Sentence writing homework (year 2 and year 1) Please write sentences in purple book - the homework has been explained to pupils.
5) TT Rockstars (year 2 only) This is to help with times tables. We will start with the 10s and gradually build up to 5s and 2s. Please just login, explore, enjoy and become familiar with the app for now. There's a lot on there!
6) Spellings for year 2
Have a great week!