Wolves 4.4.22
Date: 1st Apr 2022 @ 4:53pm
Welcome to the last week, what a quick half term.
Thank you for all your lovely messages of support, and I hope to see lots of you on Friday in church. Drop off at the church with Easter bonnets that you have made at home. Each child who takes part gets a little egg and there are Easter eggs for the winners in each class.
Worship Group is now on Wednesdays going forward.
Learning Behaviour - Improve and learn from your mistakes
Reception words: forwards, front
Year 1&2 words: secure, injure
Year 2 are doing some more assessments this week.
Year 1 and Reception will be looking at division by grouping or sharing.
We will be finsihing the story of George and the Dragon.
We will be cooking a healthy meal on Wednesday and finishing off our RE and IT units.
Mrs McCart will be in Wednesday and Thursday to work with the children and have a thorough handover with me. Please come and say hello to her on the playground after school.
Hopefully we will have the brain sticker treat on Thursday for all those who have 14 brain stickers and a class treat on Friday afternoon.
Thank you for all your support.
Mrs Rudge x