Wolves 9.5.22
Date: 5th May 2022 @ 5:17pm
Dear parents,
This week, in Wolves, we are exploring further our topic of living things, by looking at where different plants and animals live. In geography, we will be continuing our study of Kenya by comparing the capital cities of Nairobi and London. In RE we are looking Judaism and the Torah.
In Year 1 and 2 English we will write about Safari animals for our travel journal writing, including writing from the perspective of the 'expert' tour guide.
Reception children will finish work from the book Elmer, writing a character descritption and creating a story with a beginning, middle and end.
In maths, reception children will continue exploring making different numbers up to 20, looking at the relati0onship between addition and subtraction, and making some shapes .
Year 1 and Year 2 will be beginning the topic of fractions. recognising and finding halves, quarters and three quarters.
Our learning behaviour of the week is 'work hard' and our value is 'Friendship'.
Vocabulary words this week are 'producer' and 'consume'
As part of reception children's learning on Thursday, they will be discussing brushing their teeth, and consolidate this with a practical application! Please could all the reception children bring in their toothbrush and paste for that day, thank you.
PE on Mondays
Swimming for some Yr 2 on Monday afternoon
Spelling words will be tested on Tuesday afternoon.
Reading - 5 reads each week
Spelling words to practise (Yr 1 & 2)
Use TTRS at home to practise tables (Yr 1 & 2)
Spelling shed (Yr 1 & 2)
Maths SAT book (Year 2)
Have a good week,
Mrs McCart