Wolves week beginning 9/11/20
Date: 7th Nov 2020 @ 10:15am
This week we will be learning writing our Gingerbread Man stories, so please keep practising the actions and the words at home.
We will be learning about Queen Victoria and when the Victorian period was in History (about 150 years agp). We will find out about some of the key events and inventions. In Science, we will look at what materials the Victorians made their inventions with. Brain stickers are on offer, if children find out any facts at home and bring them in to share with the class.
Words of the week
EY - around, loud
Y1&2: period, predict
Please use these words at home and encourage your child to use them too. e.g. "The TV is too loud/ not loud enough." "What have you learnt about the Victorian period at school?" "Can you predict what we are having for tea?" Can you draw around your hand/ walk around the village etc?
Y2: Mon p66, 67
Tues p68, 69
Wed p70, 71
Thurs p72, 73
Fri Y2 will be given their spellings to learn for next Friday in their spelling book.
Y1: They all had their new spelling book last Friday. Not all of the children in Y1 have the same spellings, as there are 3 different spelling groups, so if they lose their book, you will need to ask me what their spellings are. Please practise them by writing them out across the page in their spelling book, with a flick in for each letter. Practise saying the letters on the way to school, and practise writing them on pieces of paper, whiteboards etc. Next Friday, I will say the words and they will write them down in their English book. I then mark them and write their score in their spelling book so you know how they did (sticker if all correct). Then I write in the next list ready for the following Friday. Spelling tests are always term time only and I don't give them out to learn over the holidays. Good luck!