Wolves weekly blog 2/11/20
Date: 2nd Nov 2020 @ 12:07pm
It is lovely to see the children all about and keen to learn. Our new topic is Jounreys Through Time and the Curriculum Maps can be found on our Topic Page. Please let me know if you can support any aspect of our Topic this half term.
Year 2
Mon p58, 59
Tues p60, 61
Wed p62, 63
Thurs p64, 65
Year 1 will be given spellings to learn this Friday for a test next Friday.
Don't forget Tuesdays is keyword packet day.
We are learning the Gingerbread Man story with actions. A copy will be in your child's bookbags to read through with them at home to help them learn the words and story structure so they can write their own story.