Woodpeckers- 14th December-Last week before Christmas
Date: 13th Dec 2020 @ 7:28am
Good Morning Woodpeckers.
The last week before we break for Christmas and hasn't the term gone quickly!
The new system of homework is working well. Just to remind all parents that one piece of English and one piece of maths homework is given each Monday and due back the following Monday (apologies for last week however where the homework went home on Tuesday instead and is therefore due back tomorrow). If there are any difficulties with the homework then please contact us in good time so that we can support before the return date. This system will continue for the rest of the academic year.
Rainforest Diorama Projects
We are so excited to see the children's Rainforest Dioramas today, if you have forgotten then please do send them in tomorrow so they can be shared with the class.
Christmas Holidays
There will be no official homework sent over the Christmas holidays. However, using Spelling Shed and TT Rockstars ( or any other method to practise your spellings and times tables) and reading regularly are encouraged if you find any pockets of time over the two weeks.
Thank you for all your hard work and support over the last term. The children in Woodpeckers have worked really hard during these unprecedented times and have all adjusted really well to the new procedures and routines that we have had to set in place. Thank you too for all your support as parents. It has been a term unlike any other and it has been so encouraging to be working in partnership to support the education of the children.
We wish you all a very safe and Happy Christmas spent with your loved ones and we look forward to welcoming you all back in the New Year, refreshed and ready to start 2021 with hope and determination.
Merry Christmas to you all.
Mrs Collins and Miss Waterhouse.